Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Daily Ride To Work

Here is my dear "trusty old bicycle" (Don't have a name for it yet, any suggestions?) My own , more fancy bike is still travelling the world in a dark container, across the vast Atlantic Ocean, giving my beloved couch some company....

As you know, I have lived in Hamburg before. This week, while biking to work I realize, its curious, how memories re-emerge, as if the body, not the brain, was the organ of memory....
In my first time in Hamburg, every morning , biking to work, I had a project going on: to find the prettiest way to work! (NOT the shortest or the one costing least effort, or even the fastest!)

Straight from my house there is still room for improvement beauty-of scenery-wise, although it could be worse (you can see, general elections are coming up in fall: Hey, I can vote again!):

at the end of "Bundesstrasse" the route is from my temporary place merges with my old project, so without thinking my body takes my bike down the old path into the park, its still nice, especially the part along the canal:

, here's a view from the little bridge down the canal:

... next my favorite spot of the trip:

Back in the days I often made a little "meditative stop" right here sitting on the little wooden pier, still looks inviting, no? maybe I'll catch up on that tradition..

Some roads and intersections cannot be avoided:

Further on are four little cross streets of an older residential project called "Falkenried" , my favourite one is #2 (I tried them all back then.) This is my personal number 1 for the flowers:

...around the corner of "Falkenried #2" is also the little "hole-in the-wall" italian place from lunch the entry the other day (Puttanesca!) Still closed of course: they specialize on lunch Back then it used to be a little turkish place:

....and then a school, the clock is still very much in my memory, it says: "Die Zeit eilt" (=tempus fugit, time flies) which seems to remind me, after philandering around pretty places: after all you'r on the way to WORK, Thomas. Move your butt!
These schools make me say, American schools look like prison camps. (sorry, Yolanda)

..and then, finally, the entrance to the UKE Hospital area (and the natural end of "project pretty path")

..last,but not least: my "cute little institute":

well, the meditative resting place was nice too, no? ;-)

Enough for today, more soon! I need to DO something in order to have something to write about. Blogging is a strange thin, it kind of cahnges your perception, you should try yourself!

1 comment:

  1. El Tomasooooooo,
    how green! I forgot how green Germany can be!
    I like your way home! Where is the container right now?
